Learn Something New Everytime I ride

The weekend before last, we had a little break from the cold weather and it was time to get some riding in. With all the rain, snow, and cold temps it has been hard to be able to get out and enjoy the trails.

The water is rolling over the Swift Creek Lake Dam

Not getting across here! I hope we get a bridge here with the new I.M.B.A. Ride Center...

Love how the pine needle cover Bright Hope Trail

One of the orienteering points. Pocahontas State Park was the site of the 1975 Orienteering Championship.

Sunday I happen to see a lot of people out on the trail. I did notice a day hiker about 50 feet up in the woods and thought it was an odd spot for him to be at. There's nothing around there... Not so! On Monday I rode the same area and figured I would see why that guy was off the trail in that area.

The first thing I notice when I got off the bike was a couple of wild grapevines were cut. Then I saw a couple of more things cut...Then I saw what it was.

It might be hard to tell from the picture but this is a home or cabin site.

This doesn't grow in the woods

I cannot tell you how many times I have ridden past this area over the last 7 years. But I guess it would be in the hundreds. Sometimes you just have to slow down to see what is around you. You might learn something.


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