Keep the Light Burning- Century Primus Lantern Rebuild

Well, it's not bikes, but I am having fun bring back to life some old camping items. I still have my old Coleman lantern from when I was a Scout back in the mid-'80s. There is something cool about the old stoves and lanterns and I figured working on one and bringing it back to life would be fun.

I hit the jackpot with an old Scoutmaster of mine. He survived me and my two boys and is still active in Scouting today. I was able to get a few stoves and a lantern off of him.

The lantern I got was a single mantle that goes on a bottle of fuel. I wish I had taken a before picture but the lantern was dirty and the top had rust on 90% of it.

I did a bit of online research and could not find a picture of the lantern that I had. But I believe it is a Century Primus lantern.

After an hour of clean-up and sanding and painting. This is what I ended up with.

The original paint was an almond. I used HR paint and only could find it in cream. I don't like the color! Since taking the picture I have painted it blue and I am having issues with the paint.


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