CVOC Orienteering at Rockwood Park- Febuary 2010

Yesterday I went out and did another orienteering event. This was listed as a Learn-O (novice) course. I think I found it to be a little harder than that. First off there was about 4" of snow in the woods and ice on the trails. This did make running a lot harder! You would think showing up later in the day, all you would have to do is follow the footprints in the snow and pick-up the controls with a fast time. That didn't happen for me. I think it made it worst.

Here is a picture of one of the controls that I am making my way to.

CVOC Orienteering Rockwood Park
One of the many Orienteering Controls

I got to the first control, okay but I got mess-up on the second control. Matter a fact, I was mess-up on controls 2-5. I was given two different maps at two different scales. One had the trails and the other had the contour lines on it. With the network of trails and most of them half-covered with snow, I had gone too far the right of the controls.

CVOC Orienteering Rockwood Park
Orienteering Control

The results from the event were 17 people came out two teams of two people each finished in front of me so I got a 3rd. I think this is a sport that I am going to do more of this year and for a fee of $5, you can not beat that.

Read about other CVOC Orienteering post at CVOC Rockwood Park AUG 2018


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